Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy Holidays from ARF-LA


You are probably starting to think about pulling together your information to do the dreaded tax return for 2012.  Not a happy subject!  But you can make it a little more palatable by making an extra special donation to ARF-LA as we end this year.  It will help our ARFans SO MUCH and it will lessen the sting of the pain of paying Uncle Sam!!!

 I know that you know our tireless work to rescue, provide medical care, and then to re-home the companion pets of Acadiana.  In every stray, or pull from death row, or owner surrender, there is always a story of sadness, but then comes the wonderful story of the redemption of that dog and the happiness of putting it into the arms of a new loving, fur-ever family.  This tale is repeated over and over again during the year, as we take in new “saves” and adopt out the healthy ones.  BECAUSE YOU HELP US, we are able to help them.  YOU are a part of every saved animal’s life and you can be proud to know that you have helped to change not only a dog’s life, but a family’s life as well!

Won't you be
their ARFangel 
this Christmas?
We receive Christmas cards and Halloween, Easter and Valentine greetings with pictures of the adopted ARFan, dressed up – front and center – a member of the family.  And then we KNOW that the world has changed for that pet! 

Everyone talks about doing something to make our little corner of the world a better place, but with your help, ARF-LA is really doing it!  Please help us to continue to do it.  You can go directly to our web site at and go to the “Donate” button to place a PayPal or Credit Card donation to us, which goes directly to our bank account.  Or, if you prefer, date your check before Dec 31st, and drop it into the mail addressed to P. O. Box 53501, Lafayette, LA 70505.   The tax deduction will come to you for 2012.

We promise we won’t spend your dollars on frivolous things.  EVERY DOLLAR goes directly to caring for the more than 100 dogs that ARF has in our adoption system at any given time.  Supporting LOCAL organizations keeps your money in our local economy and we appreciate that!

Thank you for caring …. And for sharing!

May you have a wonderfully prosperous and a very happy 2013!!

Nancy Tabb Marcantel, President/Founder

A few Happy Tales/ Adoptions in 2012
BECAUSE YOU HELP US, we are able to help them.  
Lucy lounging in the big easy chair @ her forever home; Adopted April 2012.
Cordell chilling on an outside lounger, soaking up the sun rays, at his forever home;Adopted Aug 2012

Marlon is read to everyday by his sister at his forever home; Adopted Dec 2012
            Susie (on the left) going for a ride with her canine best friend /big brother at her forever home; Adopted Dec 2012

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Brandy's Surgery Update 12/27/2012

Our prayers have been answered:-) The doctor canceled Brandy's surgery today!

When they re-evaluated her knee this morning from 2 weeks ago, they found her knee to be falling inline. He thinks she may have injured it causing inflammation which was causing the not yet healed muscles to be pulling her knee cap out of alignment. The inflammation has gone down and according to today’s ex-rays and examination she seems to be healing well. They have suggested more physical therapy to guarantee her muscles heal properly so the knee cap can heal in proper alignment.

Thank you for the prayers and well wishes for Brandy.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Brandy would like to wish all her supporters A Joyous Holiday !

“Wishing you the Love, Peace & Happiness

that the true meaning of Christmas brings." 

This surgery will put another big strain in her surgery funds, if anyone feels God tugging at your heart to make a donation, you can make a donation directly to her Chip In Acct @ or cash or check donations can be made directly to LSU Vet or to ARF-LA. For questions or comments feel free to contact her ARF-LA foster Mom @

Brandy waiting on Santa!

For updates on her progress follow her BLOG Page @

Sunday, December 16, 2012


On Wednesday 12/12/2012, Brandy's had what we thought would be her final check-up from her surgery on her left knee @ LSU Vet.  The x-rays showed some soft tissue is pulling the knee cap out of placement.   She needs to go back into surgery on her left leg again. :-(   They need to cut some soft tissues lose, put the knee cap back in its proper placement and stitch it properly in place.  She is scheduled for December 27th.  Please pray all goes well this time and that this will be her final surgery needed!  This surgery will put another big shortage in her surgery funds, if anyone feels God tugging at your heart to make a donation, you can make a donation directly to her Chip In Acct @ or cash or check donations can be made directly to LSU Vet or to ARF-LA.
We want to thank all of Brandy's financial supporters and those who participated and donated to the raffle benefit. I look forward to posting a video of Brandy walking, running and sitting with no restrictions; all because of YOU her faithful supporters! 

Click here for more info on Brandy's Story and progress follow her progress by becoming a follower (see Join this Site link to the right). 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Rainy Day Puppies

  The Rainy Day Puppies
These 5 little pups were abandoned on a country road all huddled together in fear, rain soaked, terrified, and suffering from flea and parasite infestations. One little girl has mange as well and is in need of your well wishes. Someone dumped them there and did not look back. To that person, they were trash. But to ARF-LA, they are 5 little treasures. To our animal loving friends and supporters, they have value. We believe that all life has value. Already crowded, we could not and would not leave them to die. They need your help. We are asking for donations to help us pay their vet care. We have not named them yet. We are asking their Angels to submit a name for a male or female when you make your donation. We will choose names for the puppies from your suggestions. Their Angels will show them that not all humans are cruel like the ones that treated them cruelly. We will show them what it is like to be loved and treasured. There are 3 males and 2 females. Please submit names to Emily and Would you please consider donating to these 5 little treasures so that ARF-LA can provide for them the care that they so desperately need? Thanks to all in advance!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Brandy's had her check-up on Monday 10/01/2012 @ LSU Vet, ... read more.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Thank you to all who purchased raffle tickets to help in funding  for Brandys Surgery Funds!
The winners are:
1st Place - Chris Slaven  3 Months FREE Spa Service, Donated by: Planet Beach, $349 Value
2nd Place - Danielle Dijon Prejeans Gift Card & Gift Bag, Donated by: Prejeans Restaurant, $75 Value 
3rd Place - Chris Slaven Drake Candle Gift Set, Donated by: Flowers & More , $19 Value
Thanks again for helping Brandy!!!

Friday, September 21, 2012


Update 09/21/2012
Today and tomorrow are the final days to get your raffle tickets!
We will be selling tickets and drawing for the winner tomorow Sat. Sept 22nd @ our Bake Sale at Sam's Wholesale, Ambassador Cafftery, Lafayette, LA. 
We will post the winner here and on our facebook page
Come and get your tickets and some yummy homemade baked goods.  Thanks for your support!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Join Animal Rescue Foundation of Louisiana... It's Time to Strut for Homeless Pets!

ARF-LA, adopters, supporters, friends and family…

Get ready, get set, get your pooch warmed's time for Best Friends Animal Society's Annual Strut Your Mutt in Lafayette, Louisiana. Join us for a leisurely morning walk to help homeless pets in the Lafayette area, and then celebrate afterwards at our ultimate doggie festival.

Who: Animal lovers in Louisiana who want to raise money for homeless pets, and have a great time with their dogs.

What: Lei surely group dog walk followed by a doggie themed celebration festival that includes pet contests, photo opp's, treats for your dogs, fun activities, refreshments and more.

Where: Parc Sans Souci - 201 E. Vermillion St., Lafayette, LA 70501

When: Saturday, September 22, 2012 Registration begins at 7:30am; walk begins at 9am. Festival ends at 1pm.

Why: To raise money for one of our participating local animal rescue groups "ARF-LA" (our No More Homeless Pets Network Partners) and Best Fri ends Animal Society, and help bring about a time when there are No More Homeless Pets.

All Funds Raised thru ARF-LA's Dog Pack Fundraising/Registration Page and Registering at the Event to Walk with Dog Pack ARF-LA will benefit ARF-LA locally!

3 Ways to Participate with Dog Pack ARF-LA:

1. WALK WITH US! Want to actually be part of the walk? Become a walker on Team ARF-LA.
2. WALK WITH US IN SPIRIT (at no cost to you!) Are you out of the area? Are you not a morning person? Become a "virtual walker" on Team ARFLA...

3. SUPPORT ONE OF OUR WALKERS by making a donation!

The top individual fundraiser and his/her dog will be recognized in Best Friends Magazine and on the 2013 Strut Your Mutt t-shirts!! Please support our efforts in the 2012 Strut Your Mutt by joining ARF-LA's team or making a donation. Your donation is tax-deductible and our organization keeps 100% of the money raised. 

Click Here to Join This Dog Pack!

Check out our webpage for Easy Step-by-Step instructions on how to register @

For more info & questions contact Judy Guilbeau, Marketing/Fundraising Director @
ARFLA - Animal Rescue Foundation of Louisiana ¨ P.O. Box 53501 ¨ Lafayette, LA 70505-3501 ¨

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Brandy’s Surgery Funds Update:

Brandy's pre-op is scheduled for June 2nd and surgery on the 3rd. However we still need to raise $675 for the surgery. We had a carwash scheduled for this Saturday that will have to be canceled due to a family emergency in the Grayson family (Brandy's current foster-to-adopt family).

We are asking everyone to please step up and share Brandy's story and her ChipIn acct With just 7 donations of $100 each we could have her surgery fully funded! I challenge each of you become an advocate for Brandy; ask 10 people to donate $10. If you do not feel comfortable donating online, email me @


Judy Guilbeau

Marketing/Fundraising Director

337-277-2206 (cell)

ARF-LA; Animal Rescue Foundation of Louisiana

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Summer Volunteers Needed

Volunteer contributions of time, talent and resources are critical in fulfilling our mission to
Rescue unwanted/abandoned dogs and get them ready for adoption into a forever home!
Volunteer Area's
Times Needed
Photograph adoptable ARFan dogs for website (you do not need to be a professional, ARF has a digital camera if needed)
Monday –Fridays 10am-2:30pm
Write profile of adoptable ARFan dogs for website
Monday –Fridays 10am-2:30pm (to gather info needed)
This can also be done from home.
Groom Dogs (bathing, brushing etc.)
Monday –Fridays 10am-2:30pm
Exercising and Training dogs (walking, playing, teaching sit, down, come, etc)
Monday –Fridays 10am-2:30pm
Transporting Dogs to vet appointments
Monday – Fridays 7am-6pm
Assist with office duties (making copies, stuffing envelopes, filing, data entry, making phone calls, etc)
Monday –Fridays 10am-5 pm
Assisting with Adoptions (answering emails, coordinating appointments to meet dogs, bringing dogs to Adoption events, etc)
Various times - Can be done from home.
Assist with fundraising
Various times - Can be done from home.
Assist with Marketing
Various times - Can be done from home.
To volunteer for any of the above, contact me via email @ or by phone at 337-277-2206 (cell).

Judy Guilbeau

Administrative Assistant

Marketing/Fundraising Director
We are saddened to report:  Due to lack of volunteer participation we have to cancel the Carwash Fundraiser scheduled for June9th!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

June 2012 Events and Fundraisers

PETCO ADOPTIONS, Saturdays 11am-2pm


o   Benefiting ARFan Brandy’s Surgery Funds          
@ Taco Bell - 3630 Ambassador Caffery (next to Acadiana Mall).
*Teenagers fun event to do with a group of your friends!

o  Tractor Supply Opelousas 241 Acadiana Prep Circle  Opelousas, LA 70570

Sam’s Bake Sale Fundraiser
Please join us at Sam’s Wholesale, for a good ole fashioned bake sale. 
$1.00 per bag of cookies, brownies, and other yummy treats.

Friday, May 25, 2012

SAM’S BAKE SALE & BLOOD DRIVE w/ United Blood Services

Please join us at Sam's Wholesale, for a good ole fashioned bake sale 
$1.00 bag of cookies, brownies, and other yummy treats. 
Will you be someone's HERO today? 10am – 2pmUnited Blood Services is partnering w/ARF-LA for an on-site Blood Drive.  Blood Mobile on-site @ Sam's Wholesale, Lafayette, LA.

 All donors will receive a "Red, White and YOU Make a Difference" t-shirt and will be entered to win a weekend getaway package to Cypress Bend in Toledo Bend!!!

There will be a Bloodmobile alongside Follett's BookstAnyone who would like to donate must be at least 16 years old, weigh 110 pounds, and have a valid ID. (All donors must pass the vital signs and health history examinations given prior to donation).
Volunteer blood donors must be 16 or older, weigh at least 110 pounds and be in good health. Additional height/weight requirements apply to donors 22 and younger, and 16-year-old donors must have signed permission from a parent or guardian. Donors receive a free cholesterol test. A photo ID is required to donate.   United Blood Services has been this area's non-profit community blood provider since 1953, and serves patients in 50 hospitals in 27 South Louisiana parishes.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Can't make it to any of our local fundraisers for Brandy's Surgery funds; now you can, in the convience of your home, office, anywhere there is a computer!  Don't forget Mothers Day is coming soon!!     

Get some shopping done and help ARFan Brandy at the same time. 20% of your purchase under the Brandy’s surgery fund party will be donated to help Brandy have her needed surgery. 

... Visit and shop under Brandy’s Surgery Fund Party before April 22nd and 20% of your total will go to Brandy!

Mothers Day Full Size Scentsy Warmer Premium



We want to thank all of our friends who came out yesterday to Buffalo Wild Wings (BWW) to help us reach our goal for Brandy's Surgery Fundraising!  We will receive a check from BWW in 4 weeks for the funds raised yesterday.  We will update everyone when it is received. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tomorrow: Arf La BENEFIT FUNDRAISER TO HELP FUND BRANDY'S SURGERY- April 16, Monday 10:30 am to 2:00 am – Everyone is invited to gather at BUFFALO WILD WINGS FUNDRAISER in Lafayette (4415 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy.) for lunch, dinner, or a snack. On this day, 20% of purchases* accompanied by the certificate provided will be donated to Animal Rescue Foundation for Brandy’s Surgery.


Get some shopping done and help ARFan Brandy at the same time. 20% of your purchase under the Brandy’s surgery fund party will be donated to help Brandy have her needed surgery.

Visit and shop under Brandy’s Surgery Fund Party before April 22nd and 20% of your total will go to Brandy!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser Certificate

To Print:  Right click on the picture and selct print picture.

Monday, April 9, 2012


Benefit fundraisers currently planned to help fund Brandy's surgery:
  •  April 16, Monday 10:30 am to 2:00 am – Everyone is invited to gather at BUFFALO WILD WINGS FUNDRAISER in Lafayette (4415 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy.) for lunch, dinner, or a snack. On this day, 20% of purchases* accompanied by the certificate provided will be donated to Animal Rescue Foundation for Brandy’s Surgery.

  • May 12,  Saturday 10am – 2pmCAR WASH FUNDRAISER @ Taco Bell – 3630 Ambassador Caffery (next to Acadiana Mall).
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED : Help is needed to wash and dry cars, hold signs.  To volunteer email Judy @

We have a few others that have not yet been confirmed. 
We will post them once they are confirmed.

Saturdays Bake Sale Benefiting Brandy - Thanks!

We would like to extend special thanks to everyone who came by Ranch Outlet to support us... Thanks to Ms. Angela for all the help in baking the awesome cake balls, especially the delicious Oreo Bon-Bons, they were delicious! Thank you to everyone! Unfortunately the bake sale was not very profitable at $125 in sales and donations.  Thanks okay it is merely a stepping stone, on to more fundraisers...
From ARFLA, The Guilbeau's, The Grayson's and Brandy

Brandy’s Fundraiser List

As of now these are the fundraisers we currently have planned:
  • April 7, Saturday 9am-4pmHOMEMADE GOODS BAKE SALE @ Ranch Outlet, 3324 NE Evangeline Thruway.  Come get some homemade goodies for the kids Easter basket!  The Easter Bunny will also be at Ranch Outlet this Saturday from 10 a – 1 pm. Stop by and have your child’s photo taken for only $5!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED : Bakers or just come help us to sale the Baked Goods.  To volunteer email Judy @
  •  April 16, Monday 10:30 am to 2:00 am – Everyone is invited to gather at BUFFALO WILD WINGS FUNDRAISER in Lafayette (4415 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy.) for lunch, dinner, or a snack. On this day, 20% of purchases* accompanied by the certificate provided will be donated to Animal Rescue Foundation for Brandy’s Surgery.
  • May 12,  Saturday 10am – 2pmCAR WASH FUNDRAISER @ Taco Bell – 3630 Ambassador Caffery (next to Acadiana Mall).
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED : Help is needed to wash and dry cars, hold signs.  To volunteer email Judy @
We have a few others that have not yet been confirmed.  We will post them once they are confirmed.