Sunday, December 16, 2012


On Wednesday 12/12/2012, Brandy's had what we thought would be her final check-up from her surgery on her left knee @ LSU Vet.  The x-rays showed some soft tissue is pulling the knee cap out of placement.   She needs to go back into surgery on her left leg again. :-(   They need to cut some soft tissues lose, put the knee cap back in its proper placement and stitch it properly in place.  She is scheduled for December 27th.  Please pray all goes well this time and that this will be her final surgery needed!  This surgery will put another big shortage in her surgery funds, if anyone feels God tugging at your heart to make a donation, you can make a donation directly to her Chip In Acct @ or cash or check donations can be made directly to LSU Vet or to ARF-LA.
We want to thank all of Brandy's financial supporters and those who participated and donated to the raffle benefit. I look forward to posting a video of Brandy walking, running and sitting with no restrictions; all because of YOU her faithful supporters! 

Click here for more info on Brandy's Story and progress follow her progress by becoming a follower (see Join this Site link to the right). 

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