Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Brandy’s Surgery Funds Update:

Brandy's pre-op is scheduled for June 2nd and surgery on the 3rd. However we still need to raise $675 for the surgery. We had a carwash scheduled for this Saturday that will have to be canceled due to a family emergency in the Grayson family (Brandy's current foster-to-adopt family).

We are asking everyone to please step up and share Brandy's story and her ChipIn acct http://brandysmiracle.chipin.com/brandys-luxating-patellas-surgery. With just 7 donations of $100 each we could have her surgery fully funded! I challenge each of you become an advocate for Brandy; ask 10 people to donate $10. If you do not feel comfortable donating online, email me @ judy.arfla@gmail.com


Judy Guilbeau

Marketing/Fundraising Director

337-277-2206 (cell)

ARF-LA; Animal Rescue Foundation of Louisiana


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