Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy Holidays from ARF-LA


You are probably starting to think about pulling together your information to do the dreaded tax return for 2012.  Not a happy subject!  But you can make it a little more palatable by making an extra special donation to ARF-LA as we end this year.  It will help our ARFans SO MUCH and it will lessen the sting of the pain of paying Uncle Sam!!!

 I know that you know our tireless work to rescue, provide medical care, and then to re-home the companion pets of Acadiana.  In every stray, or pull from death row, or owner surrender, there is always a story of sadness, but then comes the wonderful story of the redemption of that dog and the happiness of putting it into the arms of a new loving, fur-ever family.  This tale is repeated over and over again during the year, as we take in new “saves” and adopt out the healthy ones.  BECAUSE YOU HELP US, we are able to help them.  YOU are a part of every saved animal’s life and you can be proud to know that you have helped to change not only a dog’s life, but a family’s life as well!

Won't you be
their ARFangel 
this Christmas?
We receive Christmas cards and Halloween, Easter and Valentine greetings with pictures of the adopted ARFan, dressed up – front and center – a member of the family.  And then we KNOW that the world has changed for that pet! 

Everyone talks about doing something to make our little corner of the world a better place, but with your help, ARF-LA is really doing it!  Please help us to continue to do it.  You can go directly to our web site at and go to the “Donate” button to place a PayPal or Credit Card donation to us, which goes directly to our bank account.  Or, if you prefer, date your check before Dec 31st, and drop it into the mail addressed to P. O. Box 53501, Lafayette, LA 70505.   The tax deduction will come to you for 2012.

We promise we won’t spend your dollars on frivolous things.  EVERY DOLLAR goes directly to caring for the more than 100 dogs that ARF has in our adoption system at any given time.  Supporting LOCAL organizations keeps your money in our local economy and we appreciate that!

Thank you for caring …. And for sharing!

May you have a wonderfully prosperous and a very happy 2013!!

Nancy Tabb Marcantel, President/Founder

A few Happy Tales/ Adoptions in 2012
BECAUSE YOU HELP US, we are able to help them.  
Lucy lounging in the big easy chair @ her forever home; Adopted April 2012.
Cordell chilling on an outside lounger, soaking up the sun rays, at his forever home;Adopted Aug 2012

Marlon is read to everyday by his sister at his forever home; Adopted Dec 2012
            Susie (on the left) going for a ride with her canine best friend /big brother at her forever home; Adopted Dec 2012

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Brandy's Surgery Update 12/27/2012

Our prayers have been answered:-) The doctor canceled Brandy's surgery today!

When they re-evaluated her knee this morning from 2 weeks ago, they found her knee to be falling inline. He thinks she may have injured it causing inflammation which was causing the not yet healed muscles to be pulling her knee cap out of alignment. The inflammation has gone down and according to today’s ex-rays and examination she seems to be healing well. They have suggested more physical therapy to guarantee her muscles heal properly so the knee cap can heal in proper alignment.

Thank you for the prayers and well wishes for Brandy.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Brandy would like to wish all her supporters A Joyous Holiday !

“Wishing you the Love, Peace & Happiness

that the true meaning of Christmas brings." 

This surgery will put another big strain in her surgery funds, if anyone feels God tugging at your heart to make a donation, you can make a donation directly to her Chip In Acct @ or cash or check donations can be made directly to LSU Vet or to ARF-LA. For questions or comments feel free to contact her ARF-LA foster Mom @

Brandy waiting on Santa!

For updates on her progress follow her BLOG Page @

Sunday, December 16, 2012


On Wednesday 12/12/2012, Brandy's had what we thought would be her final check-up from her surgery on her left knee @ LSU Vet.  The x-rays showed some soft tissue is pulling the knee cap out of placement.   She needs to go back into surgery on her left leg again. :-(   They need to cut some soft tissues lose, put the knee cap back in its proper placement and stitch it properly in place.  She is scheduled for December 27th.  Please pray all goes well this time and that this will be her final surgery needed!  This surgery will put another big shortage in her surgery funds, if anyone feels God tugging at your heart to make a donation, you can make a donation directly to her Chip In Acct @ or cash or check donations can be made directly to LSU Vet or to ARF-LA.
We want to thank all of Brandy's financial supporters and those who participated and donated to the raffle benefit. I look forward to posting a video of Brandy walking, running and sitting with no restrictions; all because of YOU her faithful supporters! 

Click here for more info on Brandy's Story and progress follow her progress by becoming a follower (see Join this Site link to the right).